Latest News from Binary

July 22, 2022

Police called on Dad who objects to sexual indoctrination of his toddler

An outraged Sydney parent says his child’s after-school care centre called the police because he opposed children being exposed to sexual content. He claims the Roseville Kids Club was displaying a pride flag and teaching children as young as five about “radical gender theory concepts such as being ‘non-binary’ and ‘pansexual’ as well as children being given ‘pride’ flags to colour in.”

June 22, 2022

Unknown effects of puberty blockers on the brain

A newsletter from the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne (RCH) has indicated that now, after years of assuring families that puberty blockers are reversible, a study will be undertaken, to determine the effects of puberty blockers “on the still maturing adolescent brain”.

June 08, 2022

An insight into how teachers indoctrinate children

Teachers have shared tactics they use to indoctrinate children into gender ideology. In Australia we have had Safe Schools, Respectful Relationships and lessons such as the Gender Unicorn and Genderbread Person. The US has a plethora of programs and strategies when it comes to exposing children to adult sexualised concepts.