A male listed in the BBC’s 100 women list

Brigitte Baptiste is a male. Costumes, drugs and surgery don’t magically make him a woman.

The BBC continue to gaslight audiences by including a man in the 100 Women list for 2024

The BBC 100 Women list is supposed to award 100 women who have achieved great things in public life.

The BBC including a male in this list is a total slap in the face to women, it is insulting to all the women who have worked hard to achieve great things and displays utter disregard for reality and decency.

Its nominees include transgender biologist Brigitte Baptiste, described in the citation as a “trans woman” who “explores the common patterns between biodiversity and gender identity”.

The BBC says the scientist uses a “queer lens to analyse landscapes and species in a bid to expand the notion of ‘nature’ to better protect ecosystems”.

In a 2018 TED talk, Ms Baptiste claimed scientists had discovered “transsexual” palm trees and stated that the “change of sex and gender has been reported regularly in science”.

On this basis, she argued that it was wise to do away with ideas of “naturalness” in nature, stating: “There is nothing more queer than nature.”

The broadcaster said: “BBC 100 Women acknowledges the toll this year has taken on women by celebrating those who – through their resilience – are pushing for change, as the world changes around them.”

Men are not women. 

Woman is not a costume. 

Womanhood cannot be transferred upon someone with a drug regime or surgery. Women just are. 

Women don’t need an insulting prefix such as ‘cis’ because we are simply women.

The BBC has released a list of 99 women, not 100 women.

It is time for the lies, deception and gaslighting to stop. It is time to bring truth and facts back into the media.